Pie VAT is a digital product aimed at the tourism industry. With this app non-EU tourists can get the VAT back for merchandise they purchased during their travel in EU. Originally, the tourists would have to go through a long process to get the VAT back for purchased items. The tourists would have to fill in lengthy forms and stand in line in the airport, to have the goods checked visually by the VAT return staff.
All of this can now be done via the Pie VAT app, no more lengthy forms to fill in, queues at the airport or have the goods checked manually by staff at the airport.
Role: Lead Designer Pie VAT on AppStore Visit website
Design process
The design process for this project was different from the usual approach to building a platform. Typically, you start by collecting data, testing prototypes, and ensuring the app is fully functional for users. However, in this case, speed was the priority. Investors needed to see tangible results before committing to further funding, so we focused on building a working product first and gathering feedback afterward.
The founders had a clear vision of the essential features and how they should function. On my first day at the office, we mapped out the user flows and sketched the app's layout, ensuring the structure aligned with their goals
Design exploration
Design exploration is a crucial early step in the design process, allowing for the testing and refinement of different ideas before settling on a final direction. It involves experimenting with various layouts, color schemes, typography, and visual elements to find a design that best captures the desired tone and style.
Design concept
Adding personality to an app that primarily consists of UI components can be challenging. To create a distinctive identity, we focused on key design elements such as icons, illustrations, and category styling. These elements provided opportunities to infuse character and uniqueness into the user experience.
The app visually represented Pie VAT’s fun and effortless tax-free experience through vibrant colors, dynamic shapes, and engaging category illustrations. This approach not only made the app visually appealing but also reinforced its core message.
A key part of this design was highlighting the different store categories that offer the Pie VAT solution. We incorporated dynamic shapes and colorful illustrations to distinguish each category, making the experience more intuitive and engaging for users. To ensure a cohesive and recognizable look, I developed a unique illustration style. I create the vector illustrations myself and implementing this style across all illustrative elements in the app.
Vores produkt er App'en, og det gav mening at tage udgangspunkt her. Et sted i appen hvor jeg kunne få identiteten frem, var i de forskellige kategorier butikerne kan deles op i. Dette valgte jeg at gøre med illustrationer hvor jeg bruger friske farver, skæve former og simplicitet. De design elementer kun jeg så føre videre over på de andre platforme og skabe en gennemgående identitet.
The illustration in context
Here are examples of the design in context. These three screens showcase the detailed view of stores when a user selects them for more information. By applying the illustration style, dynamic shapes, and vibrant colors, we created a cohesive and intuitive layout that enhances the user journey
How the Platform Works
The platform simplifies the VAT refund process for both store owners and customers. In the store, the owner logs sold items through their dashboard and generates a QR code for the customer to scan using the app.
The customer then takes a photo of the purchased items and scans their passport and boarding pass. Once back home, they take another photo of the item, which, along with geolocation data and other collected details, verifies the overseas purchase. The system automatically processes the VAT refund, making the experience quick, seamless, and hassle-free.
Map View of the Stores
The main screen of the app features a map overview, allowing tourists to see all the stores in the area that offer the Pie VAT service. From this view, users can explore detailed information about each shop, including its location and available tax-free services.
While in the store, tourists can easily request a VAT refund for their purchases, making the process smooth and convenient.
Items Overview
The app provides a clear and organized overview of all the items purchased during the trip, along with the total VAT refund the tourist will receive. Each purchase is listed with essential details, making it easy for users to track their spending and refunds in one place.
Create an Account
The "Create an Account" flow follows the same cohesive illustration style, ensuring a consistent visual identity throughout the app. To reinforce the brand, we introduced a fresh red color, which is used both in illustrations and as the primary call-to-action color. This choice helps create a strong, recognizable look while guiding users smoothly through the onboarding process.
Merchant Dashboard
The merchant dashboard was designed to give store owners a clear and intuitive way to track VAT refund transactions. Since both Pie VAT and the store owners receive a share of the VAT return, it was essential to provide a tool that allows merchants to monitor sales made to VAT refund customers.
The dashboard offers a comprehensive overview of transactions, showing where each purchase stands in the refund process and when payouts can be expected. This ensures transparency and helps merchants stay informed about their earnings while streamlining the VAT refund workflow.
Customizable Image Gallery for Shops in the App
The merchant dashboard includes a feature that allows store owners to upload images showcasing their shop. These images appear in the map overview and within the detailed store card that tourists see when they tap on a shop for more information.
By customizing their image gallery, shop owners can present their store in the best possible way, highlighting their storefront, interior, or featured products.
Design of a New Website
The new website was designed with two key functions in mind. First, it needed to effectively inform and engage both shops and tourists, encouraging them to choose this VAT return solution. This required a clean, user-friendly design that communicated the benefits of the service, provided clear explanations of the VAT refund process, and highlighted the ease of use for both tourists and store owners.
Second, the website had to serve as a gateway for shop owners to sign in to their merchant dashboard. The sign-in process needed to be simple and secure, giving store owners quick access to track sales, manage transactions, and monitor their VAT returns.
Print Material
In addition to the digital solutions, we also worked on a range of print design materials to support the Pie VAT brand in physical spaces. This included shop signs to help tourists easily identify participating stores, informative flyers explaining the VAT refund process, and various promotional materials for marketing campaigns.
Each piece was designed to maintain brand consistency, using the same vibrant colors, illustration style, and typography found in the digital experience.