Every day over 1000 people use BroBizz. One of the biggest challenges the company had, was that their large customer base buried the company's customer service call line with questions retaining to whether their BroBizz was active or not.
We designed an app solution for the users, so they could feel confident that their BroBizz is active before crossing the bridge. The team also worked on license plate recognition - a solution that in the long run can take over the use of the physical BroBizz.
Role: Designer BroBizz on Appstore
Over 1.000 mennesker benytter sig hver dag af BroBizz. Den store kundebase begravede virksomhedens kundeservice med opkald, der hovedsageligt gik på, om deres Brobizz var aktiv.
Vi designede en løsning, hvor brugeren kan føle sig tryg og sikker på, at deres BroBizz virker, når de skal over broen. Der bliver desuden arbejdet med nummerpladegenkendelse - en løsning, der på sigt kan overtage brugen af den fysiske BroBizz.
Rolle: Designer
Find BroBizz på Appstore
The process
The UX team prepared a text description of what the various screens for the app should contain. In this way, they did not lead the design team into a predetermined design setup that standard wireframes can easily lead to.
The next step in the design process was to explore different design directions for the app, based on the information we received from the UX team.
The concept
After the design team had reviewed different options for the design setup, the design team and the UX team decided on which direction to go. We combined the use of images and illustrations to show the different sailing lines and bridges. We hoped to give the users a more engaging experience with the app.
An overview of the illustrations used in the app. The ferries, bridges and airports should be easy to identify when used in the design.